Umbrian Distillate


Franciscan localities - Narni District

Luoghi francescani - Narnese
The Cavern of Sant’ Urbano (St. Urban)
On the side of Mount Saint Pancrazio, there is the convent of the Cavern, one of the most important Franciscan sanctuaries. It was chosen by Saint Francis as an emblematic locality, as it was a place where thieves made their homes. The Saint set up his residence there, adding a small oratory just a short distance away. Inside the convent itself, which was built by Saint Bernadino of Siena, the ancient San Silvestro chapel deserves particular attention, the refectory, and a well with an engraving which commemorates one of Saint Francis’s miracles: the water in the well was turned into wine. Above the convent is the actual sanctuary, made up of a small church and a cell, in which, according to tradition, the Saint lived as an invalid. Numerous miracles are attributed to this Sanctuary, one of particular importance: the appearance of a messenger from God who assured the Saint of the duration of Franciscan rules throughout the centuries.

The Saint Urban cavern is one of the most authentic and suggestive Franciscan localities which has uninterruptedly conserved the function of convent and sanctuary, centre of contemplation and spirituality. It can be reached from Narni (through the provincial road Narni – St. Urban) or from Terni ( through the provincial road for Vascigliano – St. Urbano).

St. Francis of Narni
The 14th century church of St. Francis in the historical centre of Narni was built upon a building inhabited by Saint Francis during his story in the city. In fact, in 1213 the bishop of Narni, Ugolino, called Francis to Narni, where he arrived with some of his fellow brothers. The church has a Gothic style portal with a shrine above it. The inside contains XVth and XVIth century frescos. Some of the pillars that form the three aisles, are decorated with scenes from the Saint’s life.