Umbrian Distillate


Food and Wine


Bread, oil, truffles and…

There is a slice of bread, long, flat and saltless which colours when toasted over charcoal. There is a drizzle of intense yellow oil, with green reflexes, which slithers down onto the bread. A pinch of salt, a scraping of garlic. You need nothing more. A few notes, and it is already a melody: Bruschetta! Then the music and flavour can rise in crescendo, if truffles are dropped onto the bruschetta, the tuber of appetizing aroma, of exquisite and particular flavour, a typical product of Umbria, particularly appreciated in the Terni district, where the cuisine exalts the simplicity of the flavours of plain food of peasant tradition, with the first-rate quality reached today by local products: DOC wines (from the white wines of Orvieto to the red wines of the Amerini Hills), Dop oil, extraordinary pasta dishes (to start with Ciriole Ternane), meat dishes (pork of the Nera Valley) and fish (trout from the Nera), tasty cheeses and original cakes (such as Panpepato Ternano).
Dishes that acquire even more flavour if they are served in the convivial atmosphere of the numerous village fairs, or in the taverns of the feasts which revive Medieval times.

Enoteca Regionale dell'Umbria     100 sagre per 100 sapori     Prodotti tipici d'eccellenza

La strada dei vini     Le acque minerali