Umbrian Distillate


Food and Wine - Terni District

Sapori - Ternano
Terni and its surrounding neighbourhoods offer a genuine and tasty cuisine: above all “Ciriole alla Ternana” served with a spicy tomato sauce. Meat dishes include guinea-fowl with a spicy sauce made from its liver, lamb and chicken on a spit are also much appreciated, and, the queen of the Christmas fare, panpepato.
Terni’s saltless, naturally leavened bread, cooked in a wood-fired oven is also famous outside the region.

Saltless bread
Terni bread: fragrant, crusty, saltless, cooked in wood-fired ovens according to ancient methods. Its excellence seems to spring from the quality of the water which exalts its flavour.

Ciriole alla Ternana
Dough made from flour and water and cut into spaghetti shaped pasta. It is served with spicy sauces like a mix of garlic, oil, chilli pepper, tomato and at times enriched with asparagus, mushrooms or truffles.

Gnocchetti alla Collescipolana
This recipe has its roots in country cooking: it is a dish served alone which had to satisfy the demands of a complete meal. The gnocchi are rather small and are made from a mixture of dried breadcrumbs, water and flour. They are served with a spicy sauce made from plentiful sausages, beans and tomato.

A blend of flavours and symbiosis among sweet, bitter and spicy, unique in its fragrance and flavour, it exalts the Christmas menu. It consists of a balanced mixture of at least 16 ingredients (among which walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, chocolate, candied peel..) indicated in the approved specifications of “Consorzio Panpepato Ternano” recently established. One of the characteristics of this sweet is the addition of pepper from which its name is derived.