Umbrian Distillate


Food and Wine - Amelia District

Sapori - Amerino
In the land of oil and wine
We are in the territory of the production of D.o.c. wines of the Amerini Hills on the Road of Etruscan – Roman wines: the hills and the areas at the foot of the mountains exposed to the sun, are crossed by rows of vines. The other speciality of this territory is olive oil, declared D.o.p., which is obtained from olives crushed in the various oil mills with traditional methods.
Again, with the most ancient traditions come the recipes for pasta dishes made from a dough of water and flour, such as manfricoli flavoured with spicy sauces.
Another gastronomic speciality of the Amelia district is pizza baked under a fire, the so-called “acciaccata” used in Fornole, cooked in the many wood-fired ovens from which the village gets its name and specially structured to allow the cooking of a large number of pizzas at the same time.
The bread from Amelia is also characteristic, while chestnuts from numerous woods in the territory, used in cakes and for tasty soups, bless the household dinner tables.

Wood pigeon and wild boar
Among the meat dishes, an authentic delicacy is the “palombacci all’amerino”, that is wood pigeon – Amelia style, which can be savoured in all the best restaurants and eating places: the pigeons are cooked on a spit; in the pan set below the roasting pigeons to collect the juices, sage, rosemary, oil, garlic, and salt are added and used to baste them. Boar hunting is very popular, and boar therefore is a state-of-the-art dish, either roasted, pot-roasted or with polenta.

Stuffed figs
The Amelia territory and the city of Amelia in particular is the production zone of “Fichi Girotti”, dried figs stuffed with chocolate and other dried fruit. Figs, on the hand, have been a typical product of the area since ancient times, and their excellence was particularly appreciated by the Romans.
Tortiglione and must biscuits are characteristic cakes and biscuits made with flour, must and sugar and baked in the oven: they are a real delicacy when dunked into new wine.