Umbrian Distillate


Sport - Orvieto District

Sport - Orvietano
Canoeing, fishing and rowing
Near Baschi, on the Tiber, and in the Prodo ravines, it is possible to follow the river course in canoe, combining sport with nature and landscapes. In the numerous water courses in the territory, but also in the wide lake of Corbara, you can fish carp, eel, pike, perch and tench; lake Corbara can also be used for rowing. In September, in particular, a famous international competition called “Tevere – Tamigi” (Tiber – Thames) takes place on the lake: a contest between the English masters of Oxford and Cambridge with analogue Italian crews.

Municipality of Baschi 0744.957225

Horse riding
Among the fans of Equestrian sports, the charming medieval village of Porano is the ideal place to follow horse-riding competitions. In the splendid park of villa Paolina, belonging to the Province, premises of the CNR, prestigious manifestations of national and international level are held.
Other horse-riding competitions are held in Orvieto.

Ass. Sp. Concorso Ippico (Equestrian Competition)
Via G. Marconi - Porano - tel. 0763.302524

Gliding is practised in Castel Viscardo, on the hills of the Alfina, next to an old airport designed by Pierluigi Nervi in 1935.
Flying with extra-light aircraft and aero-modellism is also possible.

Municipality of Castel Viscardo
Tel. 0763.361745

Trekking and Canyoning
As all over the provincial territory of Orvieto, there are a large number of marked tracks to follow on foot in search of stunning countryside. The same itineraries may be used, in many cases, on mountain bikes, and on horseback. Canyoning, or “streaming” can be practised in the ravines of Parrano and Prodo.

Municipality of Parrano 0763.838001

In Parrano “Le Tane del Diavolo” (The devil’s den) is a network of grottas where testimonies of primitive men have been found, among which are objects relative to the cult of water. In Titignano the Piana grottas is a network of caves rich in stalactite and stalagmite concretions. Visits can be arranged with specialist guides.

Guide Professionali (Professional Guides)
Web Site: