Umbrian Distillate


Archaeological Areas - Orvieto District

Aree archeologiche - Orvietano
The Etruscans of Orvieto
The necropolis of the Tuff Crucifix is the archaeological area of major interest in Orvieto: a vast area used as a burial ground by the Etruscans, next to the cliffs, with over 70 tombs distributed according to the planimetry of a city, with roads that cross at right angles.
An engraving on the architraves holds the name of the family to whom the sepulchre belonged. From the Etruscan temple at the Belvedere reaching the Vth century B.C., you can still admire the great podium near Cahen square (Piazza Cahen) and the Saint Patrick’s well (Pozzo di San Patrizio).
The Fanum Voltumnae area is also of great importance: the Excavations performed in the ex-Fair Field (Campo della Fiera), brought to light a cult area, probably the temple to which all Etruscan lucumonies referred.
The most important exhibits found in the various archaeological sites of Orvieto and its territory are preserved in the Faina Museum, which boasts over 3500 Etruscan pieces, among which a remarkable collection of vases, the Venere di Cannicella (Venus of Cannicella) and interesting sarcophaguses.

Necropolis 0763.343611

Faina Museum:
piazza Duomo, 26 - Palazzo Faina – Orvieto
tel. 0763.341511 - IAT 0763.341772

A trip around the Necropolis
Among Orvieto’s several archaeological sites, the vast Etruscan necropolis of Lauscello (III-II centuries B.C.) in the territory of the Municipality of Castelgiorgio, is to be indicated, and where the necropolis of the Casa Perrazza can also be visited. The tomb of the Hescana family stands in Porano, dating back to the IVth century B.C., the only Etruscan tomb in the territory with frescos still visible.

Necropolis of Lauscello
loc. Lauscello, km. 90,500 SS. 74
IAT 0763.341772 - 0763.343658
Municipality of Castel Giorgio 0763.627093

Tomb of the Hescana
Loc. Molinella - Porano
ctel. 338.2929520 - IAT 0763.341772

Necropolis of Casa Perrazza
loc. Poderetto
Municipality of Castel Giorgio 0763.627093
IAT 0763.341772

The Port of Pagliano
A great river port on the Tiber, of extraordinary importance for the trade of terracottas and food. The port stood at the point where the river merged with the Paglia river. In the archaeological area situated in the territory of the Municipality of Baschi, five docks and seventy warehouses for goods storage can still be seen.

IAT 0763.341772
Municipality of Baschi 0744.957225